Friday, January 29, 2010

A Moment's Interest

Today is a horrifically wintery day in Texas, and while I've recently rediscovered a slight appreciation for snow the inability to drive is, well, driving me crazy (pardon the pun). In the process of trying to amuse myself with something I have realized that my interests are both fleeting and extremely varied - in the last half-hour I've considered three different movies, a tv show, Vogue, Virginia Woolf, and the internet for searches into interior design and flower arrangements. None of it makes any sense, but it's all highly amusing, I promise.

My realization that I have a million interests and no focus led me to this brilliant idea - how about I try to record these little blips of amusement, these would-be passions, in one single blog, and just write about whatever happens to have caught my attention for the day? Could be an interesting experiment.

Let the adventure begin. I'm excited to see what'll happen. (And here's hoping blogging isn't one of the fleeting!)